
Our Mission

​Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit institutions of higher education, recognizes those students who distinguish themselves in scholarship, loyalty and service. The only honor society permitted to bear the name Jesuit, ΑSΝ encourages its members to a lifetime pursuit of intellectual development, deepening Ignatian spirituality, service to others, and a commitment to the core principles of Jesuit education.

Student Chapters:
Boston College, Massachusetts
Canisius College, New York
College of the Holy Cross Massachusetts
Creighton University, Nebraska
Fairfield University, Connecticut
Fordham University, New York
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Gonzaga University, Washington
John Carroll University, Ohio
Le Moyne College, New York
Loyola Marymount University, California
Loyola University, Illinois
Loyola University, Maryland
Loyola University, Louisiana
Marquette University, Wisconsin
Regis University, Colorado
Rockhurst University, Missouri
Saint Joseph’s University, Pennsylvania
Saint Louis University, Missouri
Saint Peter’s University, New Jersey
Santa Clara University, California
Seattle University, Washington
Spring Hill College, Alabama
University of Detroit Mercy, Michigan
University of San Francisco, California
University of Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wheeling Jesuit University, West Virginia
Xavier University, Ohio

Our Purpose

The encouragement of our alumni’s lifelong commitment to the ΑSΝ values of scholarship, loyalty and service, and the ideals of Jesuit education. The Alumni Club strives to provide concrete opportunities for expression of that commitment. Members have voiced an interest in participating in service projects, presenting speaker events, developing programs that connect faith with life, and providing a venue for career and social networking.

U.S. Alumni Clubs:
Baltimore Area
Bay Area
Boston Area
Buffalo Area
Chicago Area
Cleveland Area
Danihy Club of SE Wisconsin
Denver Area
Detroit Area
Kansas City Area
Los Angeles
New York City Area
Omaha Area
Washington, D.C.
Saint Louis

Club History

​The Greater Denver Alumni Club of Alpha Sigma Nu became an official club at the Triennial Convention in Denver, Colorado in October 2003.